
Commissioned as part of a complete refresh of creative direction by Frosty, a revised suite of branding for the 106-year-old British luggage brand. A redraw of the Antler marque takes fresh cues from early 20th-century British artists such as Barbara Hepworth, whose work was both strikingly modern, yet rooted in the natural world. Playing with the language of travel, the marque now doubles as a location pin.

The logotype, custom-drawn by Gareth Hague, reflects an English modernism with subtle Arts and Crafts details, with a nod to greats such as Berthold Wolpe and Edward Wright.

For Frosty
Logotype with Gareth Hague
Photography and film by Laurence Ellis

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Alistair Gibbs
Alistair Gibbs
Alistair Gibbs
Alistair Gibbs
Alistair Gibbs
Alistair Gibbs